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Pauline T. - Tutor
Tutor to help your child get up to speed or ahead of the curve
Pauline T. -  Tutor
(87 Ratings)
Glen Gardner, NJ 08826

More about Pauline T.
Hourly Fee: $55
Travel Radius: 10 miles
Personal Statement
I began tutoring in high school, continued through college and am now getting back to it after teaching Catechism in my church since 2001 for the following grade levels: Kindergarten, 4th, 6th, 7th and most recently, 1st. The subjects where I can provide the most help would be the elementary school classes and advanced grammar, mathematics, MS-Excel, religion and French. I look forward to hearing from you if I can help.

Have a great day!

Pauline T....
Pauline T. Subjects
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